Unlocking Healthy Arteries


A Brief Overview to Understand Why Arteries Get Blockaded

Welcome to Fit Tuber! Moving on the next subject of the day, I present you with the broad topic of arteries. It is necessary to understand why arteries must be cleaned and how to identify possible symptoms of arteriosclerosis, useful principles of the diet, and effective Ayurvedic techniques for clearing blockage and preventing heart attacks. Let's jump right in! < home doctor>

Understanding the Importance

Let me put this into an analogy; it is like being in a busy road with lots of vehicles jam-packed. Similarly it becomes difficult to plan and operate ahead in such a situation; the blood circulation gets retarded in the body due to formation of blood clots which equates to blocked arteries in our body. While this blockage may be induced by various factors including cholesterol, it raises the chances of a heart attack substantially.

Recognizing Warning Signs

First, there are some questions everybody would like to answer How can we know if our arteries are blocked? Also, understanding the indications of high cholesterol whether positive or, negative can be explained from a lipid profile test. Some of the signs that may warrant a check up on possible artery blockage include chest pain, shortness of breath, constant fatigue, problems with memory and cramps in the legs.

The Culprits: This is bad food choices, the first of the ten rules that will help you live longer and feel better etched in gold with the voice of J. Boone Hellman, who presented these rules to Mike Dooley at the En-Lightened Encounters series onboard Crystal Symphony on October 7 – 14, 2006 cruise.

Of all the questions, one may ask; what causes cholesterol to accumulate in our arteries? As one would expect, the observed poor diet also has a great contribution towards the same. The unfavorable kind of cholesterol is known as LDL or the lousy cholesterol that settles at the base of arteries and forms plaque. On the other hand, the proportion known as LDL cholesterol or the bad cholesterol helps deliver the good cholesterol or the HDL cholesterol that sweeps it out of our system. Especially when cutting out animal products altogether, a person decreases their possibility of coronary problems.

In summary, it is very importance that you do not use the wrong oils and avoid packaged foods as they are unhealthy for you.

Incorporation of unhealthy oils in preparation, and even reheating foodstuffs in the same oil contributes to high levels of cholesterol. Another aggravating factor that comes with foods packed in supermarkets are trans fats. Also, autosomal dominant disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome can constantly increase insulin and raise cholesterol. 


Lifestyle Factors

Regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and reduced alcohol intake as well as eating the right amount of food also contribute significantly to check on high cholesterol and blockage of arteries.

Natural Solutions: Ayurvedic Remedies

There are several medications, including statin drugs, that can help to deal with cholesterol complications, though with some side effects. However, they provide as many options of natural remedies for treatment described in Ayurvedic literature. Let's explore three effective options:Let's explore three effective options:

1. Garlic: Filled with allicin, garlic helps in preventive antioxidant effects and decreases bad cholesterol content by nearly two-folds. Incorporation of garlic can also observed by taking raw garlic every single day; it is very healthy for the arteries.

2. Arjun Bark: Also known as Carica Papaya and having its bark used in cardiovascular ailments, Arjun is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. The natural use of Arjun powder from its processed bark can be used to lower cholesterol levels regularly.

3. Medohar Guggul: This formulation is of Ayurveda which specifically works on the fat deposit and lowers down the LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Including some other changes in lifestyle, and consistent intake of chocolate, has been known to produce remarkable alterations in artery health.

Supporting Foods and Practices

Apart from the above mentioned natural remedies for opening up the clogged arteries, some types of foods do help in eliminating the blockage present in the arteries. As for theavoidance of bad cholesterol, one needs to intake healthy fats like desi cow ghee, nuts, and flaxseeds. Complex carbohydrates also contain fiber and are a critical weapon against cholesterol; foods such as fruits and whole grain products.

In addition, the daily practice of other activities such as kapalbhati pranayama can help in the oxidation of the arterial plaque as well as enhancing the heart’s health if done for only 15 minutes daily.

Conclusion To sum up, it would be right to state that arteries, which connect the heart with the rest of the human body, should remain clear in order to prevent a number of illnesses. Therefore, it is advisable to take proper meals, supplements, and strictly follow the Ayurveda science in order to have a healthy and bouncing heart. So I say, your heart always takes such great care of you; let it find protection under your care as well.

I appreciate your company throughout this session in which I tried to explain how we can lead a healthy life with strong and healthy arteries. As always, see you next time and do watch out for the illness outbreak! Looking for toxin-free skincare? Over to you: Introducing mamaearth’s Roots of Radiance Essence Face Serum 🔥 The company proves that the soap is safe for all skin types using

natural ingredients such as ashwagandha and turmeric. If you need the code or have any other questions, then in the description write the comment about it .Get to read more on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and other nutritional guidelines if you choose to subscribe to our channel. Okay, before we proceed let me introduce myself, my name is Vivek and I am glad that you are here!

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