Blood Test Simple, Detects 30-Year Risk of Heart Disease in Women



A simple blood test could foretell the chances for women to develop cardiovascular ailments over three decades. Also, give advice on ways to ward off heart trouble by determining the levels of two fats in the blood. Key Findings

• Early Detection: A woman's future risk for cardiovascular disease can be appropriately predicted by blood tests for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, lipoprotein(a), and C-reactive protein. In that perspective,

• Long-Term Prediction: It followed up with the participants for 30 years, showing the long-term prediction of health risks.

• Greatest Risk: Those women who had a high incidence of all the three markers were especially at risk related to strokes and coronary heart diseases.

Ways of prevention

The researchers emphasize the need for a heart-healthy lifestyle to be maintained to prevent any cardiovascular disease. This incorporates the following ways:

Physical Activity: No doubt, regular physical activities lead to good health of the heart.

Diet: Having a diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, along with lean proteins can lead to less cholesterol content in the body.

Stress Management: It cuts down the rate of heart diseases as one does good stress management.

Quit Smoking: The intake of tobacco should come to an end if a person wishes to stay far away from heart-related problems.


It is a quintessential tool in the quest for early detection and, subsequently, prevention of cardiovascular disease in women. Understanding one's personal risk factors will enable women to take proactive steps in heart health to live longer and healthier.

